Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy National Quilting Day ... and a Giveaway!

Lucy would like to wish all of you a happy National Quilting Day!...  (she told me this over her usual bowl of kibble this morning)
She says she hopes you get to quilt to your heart's content today...
And that  your day is fruitful regardless of whether you spending it stitching...
Shopping at your favorite local quilt store...
Putting blocks together in the perfect order....
Or just hanging out in your sewing room....
So put on the tea kettle....
Gather together all your favorite quilting supplies
Relax with your favorite quilting project...
Until you wilt!!

We hope you enjoy your day and the wonderful community of quilters!  Leave a comment telling Lucy how you plan on spending National Quilting Day and she promises to select a winner for a special prize...(she promises it will not be leftover kibble!)  A winner will be randomly selected and she will email the winner, so make sure you are not a no-reply blogger.  Winner will be announced next Wednesday.
Happy National Quilting Day!

Lucy.... (and Deb)!


  1. I am going to enjoy this special day!!! Cute post!!

  2. Having lunch date with my hubbie and then working on my latest applique project.

  3. I shopped yesterday for new fabric and will play with it today! Hope to make some placemats for mom and some fun fast to fuse applique for me. Happy day!

  4. Spending the day quilting a little on my "Gyspy Wagon" WallHanging.
    I enjoy your blog very much and love seeing Lucy. She is beautiful!

  5. Love all the pictures of Lucy. Great Heart quilt. I'm going to a fabric sale at a church then quilting on 2 projects. Enjoy your day

  6. For national quilting day I am going to sew all day.

  7. I'm finishing a quilt today!! Most difficult one to date. It'll go to the quilter tomorrow. Yeh!! Enjoy your quilting too.

  8. I am going to join a group from my guild to make a donation quilt for our local library to display in their children's section.

  9. I am going to spend the day on petfinder looking for a cat as cute and adorable as Lucy.

  10. Unfortunately I have some housework to take care of. After that I intend to get some quilting in.:) Of course! Happy Quilting Day to you!

  11. I have been hand quilting a baby quilt in between laundry. I have enjoyed your post. Thank you.

  12. Hi, Deb! Happy National Quilting Day to you and Lucy, too! Spent some time working on my time warp blocks, cutting scraps for a tumbler quilt and pulling fabric for a signature wedding quilt for my niece.

  13. Sorry, Deb. Forgot to sign my name on previous comment. Eileen

  14. Happy National Quilting Day to you and Lucy! Enjoyed hearing Lucy's wisdom.

  15. Was going to go to a sew-in with my quilting friends, but through my back out yesterday. Am spending the day designing my next 10 quilts instead! Hope I actually have the time to do them all. Thank you!

  16. I cleaned my house (and my work room) did the laundry (and washed some new fabrics) and am now doing some serious block building (as well as ordering take out) Happy National Quilting day to you too and thanks for the chance!

  17. Hope you get this. Did check out a few appliqué blogs you referred me to. Thanks

  18. Happy Quilting Day. Lucy's post was super cute. I found your blog over at Audrey's. I'll enjoy following along. Not much quilting today. Hopefully, some tomorrow.

  19. I'm glad Lucy had a lovely day! LOL She's so adorable. I spent the day cheering on my boys at a track meet, but I brought applique along and got a few stitches in between events. Now I've got laundry to do, but I think I will get a block or two made between loads. All hope is not lost!

  20. I enjoyed my quilting day buying a new quilting book, fabric fir a project in it and taking my Bernie in for a checkup. I love your hearts quilt.

  21. Going to a heritage sewing show and drooling over all the lovely vintage items, and then home for some hand quilting - perfect! Love that Bountiful Life basket - beautiful :)

  22. I spent yesterday doing spring yard work but today will find me quilting!!

  23. What a wonderful cute post! Thanks for the smiles Lucy. I watched some of the free videos on 'The Quilt Show'.

  24. Love,the hearts quilt! Are they needle turned or other technique? Cute kitty.

  25. Lucy, I spent the day at the coast! Worked on a little bit of binding and that's it!


Please feel free to comment - I would love to hear your thoughts! I will try my best to reply however, if you are a No Reply Blogger I will not be able to comment. If you would like, please include your email address so I can reply. Thanks! Look forward to hearing from you!


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