Monday, August 15, 2016

Do You Clip?

What I mean is... do you clip your seam allowances on some blocks? 
I have been working on my liberated star blocks for my Gwennie Inspired Medallion QAL quilt.  I am loving the modern/vintage feel of these blocks.
These are always a lot of fun and ADDICTIVE!!  Can you tell??  It's half way through the month and I have 24 done already.... and I usually do not get to my sewing machine at night during the week. :-)
I picked up this technique from a Jo Morton book awhile ago.  She calls it the Clipping Trick.  You clip through both layers of the seam allowance up to the seam line on each side of the seam intersection.  This will allow you to press the seam in the direction it would like to go and reduces the layers.   The intersections get pressed open to reduce bulk.

You don't end up with that lump at the intersections and your block lays nice and flat.
I use this all the time, but particularly on star blocks.  Try it the next time if you don't do this already!
So in order to finish this next round, I need to decide what to put the corners.  I have tried a couple options, but no winner yet. (You know how this goes.. lots of trial and error)  However, I am determined this month for this design to not take on a life of its own! LOL
As always, I am open to your wonderful, creative suggestions!  For now I will take a look through my Liberated Quiltmaking book and see if there are any ideas in there.  I am sure there are!

Happy Stitching!



  1. Your stars are beauties and I have seen this idea of clipping but never tried it - must remedy that!
    I am at my computer looking at my Gwennie Inspired Medallion on the wall and realised that my Log Cabin border will have to be oh so simple and then I shall have to catch up on stars for the end of the month,

  2. Your liberated stars are so playful. They're going to look great as the next border. I haven't tried that clipping technique, but definitely will remember to check it out.

  3. Hi, Debra! I have clipped my seams for years, especially when the the pieces are very small and half-square triangles are involved, like the project that I am currently working on. Didn't know it had an official name. I also press the seams open when necessary to make the block lay flatter. Good Luck with your decision on what to put in the corners of this next border. Eileen P.

  4. I was taught to clip when I first started quilting and have passed the technique on to others. Though I know it as swirling - and it really does help.

  5. great blocks - fun prints.
    I usually press open, cause I always forget about the clip method.

  6. Loving your medallion Debra!!! And your seams look perfect!!! I have to admit I seldom clip unless absolutely necessary - I'm always so afraid it will weaken and allow a hole after much use. More often I will press my seams often if I see there is going to be a lot of buildup.

  7. Huh?? Clip seams??? (Always am inspired by whatever you are working on) :)V


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