Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ever Feel Intimidated by a Machine?

Have you ever felt this way?  This is what I have felt like lately. 
Now I am not a novice to sewing.. been doing it about 47 years.  (Eek!  How did that happen?)

I actually owe my sewing start to my grandmother who insisted that 'girls should know how to sew'.  So she enrolled me in summer sewing classes and on the bus I went to the Singer sewing store downtown.  Thanks, Grandma!! (RIP)

Singer Stylist 237
I don't remember the exact model I learned on in class, but I found this photo on the internet of the model of my mom's first sewing machine... which became my first sewing machine about the same time.  My mother was not a sewist. :-) 
It did straight and zig-zag stitching.  Adjustments were limited to tension, stitch length, stitch width and needle position.  I used that machine until the mid-1980's.
About a month ago I traded in my Viking for a brand new Bernina 770 QE.  I wasn't planning on buying a new machine... but you know how that goes.  It was a great deal on a show demo... yatta, yatta, yatta. 

When I unpacked the machine and turned it on I was feeling a bit like Lucy in the picture above.  Totally intimidated by this new machine.  My Viking was only 7 years old, but we had become such familiar old friends.  You know that feeling, right?  When I try to explain this to my non-quilting friends they look at me a little strange and just shake their heads in agreement.. but I know they have no clue what I am talking about and probably think I am more than a little strange. To have such a 'close relationship' with a machine can't be normal.  LOL
So today Bernie and I are going on a road trip to my local dealer for some machine lessons.  She is a big girl and will be a challenge to get in and out of the car and into the store.  But hopefully by the end of the day we will be better friends and I won't have that same look on my face as Lucy does.

Wish me luck!

Happy Stitching,

Deb & Bernie


  1. Although I'm not a sewist (like your mom), as a baker, I have found myself in a similar spot! BUT with that said, I'm not able to pack up my flour and sourdough starter and find an old Jewish Baker from back in the day to help me figure out how to succeed at making an authentic Kaiser Roll - like the ones baked in Brooklyn, NY ages ago in the bakeries with wood fired ovens that were hidden below the buildings. You think that after all these years of doing what we do, we could get the job done without feeling like a newbie! But I guess that's what keeps us humble :) Love the post, and my Lucy photo would be of the one when she pulled out that GIANT LOAF of white bread! hahahaha

  2. Hope you and your new girl had a great bonding experience. I love Bernina's and it looks like your new one is totally super cool! It looks like it has a wider opening, which would be great in itself. Machines sure have changed from our first sewing experiences.

  3. How wonderful - a new Bernina!! These newer machines have a larger opening for ease of getting a quilt through when quilting, and I would love one!! Not on the cards at the moment though but do enjoy your play time with Bernie!

  4. lucky you, I have a bernina 1230 since 1993 and it is a good machine but would like more quilting stitches on it, also only has a standard throat which makes quilting a bit difficult, I only just mastered the quilting part of a quilt. Mine is called Heidi!See you have it set into a table too, that helps have mine in a horn cabinet have had the cabinet for 20 years but since moving here 8 years ago it has been out until recently when I got some strong firemen to bring the cabinet downstairs, makes sewing so much easier on a flat surface sorry rambled!

  5. Good luck! It probably won't take you long to get bonded with this one either. Time is all you really need.:)

  6. Wonderful post! I too, learned how to sew many, many moons ago on a Singer that my Dad gave to my mother on their 1st anniversary some 60-odd years ago. I guess his mother sewed, my mom did not, so I think he was hopeful she would learn....anyway, long story, as she never did learn to really use the machine, but I remember sewing doll clothes on it when I was about six or seven. I now have a Bernina Artista 630, but I also still use and love my mom's old Singer. Your new Bernina is just sooooo pretty!!!! I'm sure you will have a wonderful time with her too!!! :))

  7. YES!! I still sometimes feel like this about my long-arm!! Soooo congrats on your fun purchase but now ya left me'd the classes go?? Are you and Bernie humming along well?? Curious minds are a wondering! LOL!


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