Sunday, January 10, 2016

Have You Heard About the APQ UFO Challenge?

I rarely make New Year resolutions...but this year I decided (deciding is not truly a resolution, right?) not to participate in any challenges.  I was giving myself the year off from anything that was going to keep me to a specific schedule of quilting 'To Dos".  After all, I had plenty of current projects to keep me busy for a full year without jumping into any new challenges......  Famous last words, right?

My girlfriend Dawn told me about the All People Quilt UFO Challenge 2016.  She had joined and suggested maybe I wanted to join her.  Now, I had just gotten a number of UFOs out of my studio and I was feeling... well, a little self-righteous.  I have never had this few UFOs sitting around waiting to be quilts.  I told  her I really didn't have many UFOs (hmmm), but checked out the challenge anyway.  
My completed UFO challenge list.
You can check out the details here, but what I like about this is there is less pressure to FINISH something each month and more focus on just committing to WORKING on one of your UFOs on the list.  That certainly is less daunting and will help put at least a few stitches on some projects. 
My stack of projects to work on in 2016
On the first of each month, APQ will draw a number, 1 - 12.  That number will correspond with the number project you work on that month.  At the end of the month, fill in your progress and you can post pictures for everyone to see using the hashtag #APQResolution.  Easy Peasey!

So as you can see above, I have taken the plunge.  Most of the projects (in part or full) are pictured above. Some you may know, some you may not. Some are small projects, others are much larger.  Some are just needing the final touches before completion - maybe just a binding, and others are not even started. :-)
Would you like to join me?  Grab a cup of coffee and let's get stitching!
Today I will be working on the binding on the green baskets quilt. Linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching. 

Stop back often to see my progress.  I will post on this at least once a month!  Or you can follow me on Instagram at quiltingartist.

Let me know if you are joining and I will follow your progress too!

Happy Stitching!



  1. Our guild does a similar UFO challenge, so I decided not to do the APQ challenge. You've got some beautiful projects there to work on!

  2. I've been trying to resist challenges and BOMs too, but this looks like one I could handle. Your green quilt is lovely!

  3. Good luck with your UFOs. I find any kind of goal for them seems to help me out.

  4. I am off to do some stitching now...I prefer a cup of tea though! Have fun with sewing the binding on your green quilt!

  5. That's a great approach. I've done that before and just moving a project forward is a good feeling. Good luck!

  6. My local quilt guild did a similar project a few years ago...kept me working on my UFO'S. Great idea! Thanks for sharing the idea and thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Good luck! I'm afraid a good portion of my list would be at the "fabric pulled" stage. I might need to make a start list, instead of a finishing one! ;)

  8. I love your pile of UFO's...sounds like a motivating challenge too. I'm looking forward to following YOUR progress. ;)

  9. many great projects just waiting for attention. Even though I am not participating in the challenge I really like that it is motivating to work on a project instead of creating pressure to complete it. Quilting is supposed to be fun!!

  10. You have some lovely projects on the go....and some great 2015 finishes! I will watch your progress with interest!


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