Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Bountiful Life... and Remembering Dad

I have made little progress on the final block for my A Bountiful Life quilt.
I have also started the vines on the top border.  I have had the time, but not the motivation to do much stitching...
It's been a difficult week here.  My father-in-law passed away somewhat unexpectedly earlier this week.  This is a picture of my husband and his dad taken in March.
He turned 90 in March and had lived a long and full life with many people to love him. But that doesn't make the loss any easier for us who loved him so much. 
He and my husband had a very special relationship.  All of us will miss him very much. 
John and his dad at the beach about 1959.
John W. Harry
photo taken in Honolulu, Hawaii, 1943
18 years of age
He was a devoted husband, loving father to four children, grandfather, great-grandfather, a firefighter, and a WWII veteran.  

A very Bountiful Life, indeed.



  1. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I agree, that losing a loved one is still so very, very great regardless of the length of life. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your husband, and your family.

    1. Tina, thank you so much for your expression of sympathy. I don't typically blog too much about our family, but he was such a great man and this is such a loss, it just didn't seem right not to. Thank you for understanding.

  2. Debra, I understand completely how you are feeling and would like to express my condolences to both you and your husband. I just lost my "baby" sister unexpectedly as well two months ago at the age of 62. It's difficult to accept. No matter what age a person is when they die, it is always too soon for the rest of us. Take care of each other! Eileen (the one who sent you the cat labels)

    1. Eileen, so very sorry to hear of the loss of your sister. What a terrible lost. Your condolences are very much appreciated. Loss is always hard on everyone who goes through it. Hope your memories of your sister are a comfort.

  3. What a lovely tribute to wonderful man! My condolences to you and your family!

    1. Thank you. He was a sweet and gentle man who lived a life that was so honorable.

  4. So very sorry to hear of your loss Debra.

    1. Thanks, Maureen. Seems that it was a bad week for both of us. He will be greatly missed. The last of our parents to pass, end of an era.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your father-in-law...who obviously filled your and your husband's life with loving memories. And I understand that other singular loss of a generation. My thoughts are with you.

    1. Sally, thank you so much. John and his dad were very close, it is a big loss for him. And it is a new chapter in our lives, which will be hard to adjust to. Thank you again for your words and thoughts.

  6. I loved your quote about your father-in-law having a Bountiful Life, such a wonderful comparison with your quilt. I'm sure he leaves a huge hole in your life but memories will help to fill that in.

    1. Thank you, Dawn. It just seemed so appropriate when I got to the end of the post. He will be very missed and his memory will definitely be cherished. Thank you again.

  7. Sorry to hear your sad news. What wonderful photos of your husband and his dad.
    Your applique is lovley!

    1. Thanks, Barb. I had so many great photos it was so hard to choose! These seemed to really convey the closeness of their relationship.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. Of course you are not going to be very motivated for stitching or much else for quite awhile :(

  9. This is such a lovely tribute to your father in law. To describe his life as bountiful is a great thing and will continue on in your families memories.

  10. Yes I agree with every one else. Thank you for sharing with us so we can include you and yours in our prayers and send ciber hugs!!

  11. I'm so sorry. Saying goodbye is hard and it's ALWAYS too soon. Hugs to you and your family.


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