Sunday, August 9, 2015

Slow Sunday Stitching - A Robin and Nest of Eggs

I have been working on the next block that I have chosen for my rendition of A Bountiful Life.  As mentioned in a previous post, I have decided not to make all 20 blocks in this reproduction applique quilt. 
So next up is the block called Robin and Nest of Eggs.  I have been looking forward to this block and actually should have thought about doing this block last Spring.  We have a lot of robins here in New Jersey and it is surely one of the first signs of Spring here.   As you can see from the photo of the book the block was done with the same green for the leaves.  Now.. any of you how know my quilting style, you know that is not going to work for me. :-)
I made a few adjustments to the pattern.  Most notable is the size of the robin's head.  To me it looked a little small and made the bird look more like a pigeon or a dove. 
As you can see, for anyone unfamiliar with robins, the head is larger than what is in the pattern.  No problem, that is an easy change.  I also would like to make the head black, as it the case with these birds. 
And of course robin eggs are always blue, not white. Another easy fix. 
Getting back to my block, once my pattern changes were made I could trace the pattern onto my background fabric with a water soluble pen. 
There were these curious green pieces appliqued to the branches.  At first I thought maybe they were smaller leaves.  But the more I looked at them, I decided they were acorns. 
Acorns were added to the block to go with the oak leaves.  Makes sense, right?
So I will spend some time this Sunday relaxing and doing some slow stitching.  Maybe I will go out on the deck to stitch... and see how many robins I can spot in the yard.  What about you?

I am linking up at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.  Hope you enjoy your day!

Happy Stitching, 



  1. I love how you are personalizing your blocks--make me want to make another one!

  2. Thats a different background piece, I've never thought of doing more than one colour, thanks for the idea. Just love your applique work.

  3. It's beautiful and I like how you are changing it to suit you and your observance of Nature :)

  4. Love your version of the block. Much prettier than the original =)

  5. Your changes are good ones. Each block is lovely.

  6. I love seeing all the different variations quilters make of this pattern. I look forward to seeing your finished block, which will surely reflect your outlook on life!

  7. I just love the Bird of Paradise quilt and someday (!) would love to make one of my own. I really appreciate your post showing the changes you made to the pattern and your thought process! I think your changes are just perfect and I can't wait to see this block when you finish it.

  8. I like the personalization also, however I think the acorns would not be brown at the time of the robin's will be yours so of course you should proceed as planned! Lovely applique-love slow stitichin' days!

  9. Great changes to your block! It will definitely make it more special to you.:)

  10. Your changes are all wonderful! Enjoy your hand stitching!

  11. I am so glad you made the changes you did to make the robin and it's eggs more authentic. I much prefer your version. I totally agree that those curious green pieces appear to be acorns. So pretty.

  12. I second all of your changes to the pattern, for all of the reasons that you mentioned. It's a great looking block and your version is looking lovely.


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