Yesterday my husband and I took a ride down along the Delaware river to Stockton, NJ (about an hour drive). We went to the Courthouse Quilters biennial quilt show, Quilts In The Mill, held in the beautiful Prallsville Mills. It is the perfect setting for a Fall quilt show.
It had just stopped raining when we arrived. The quilts are on three floors of this beautiful mill. There were close to 200 quilts in the show... Here are a few of my favorites.
Warning! This post contains a lot of photos of quilts.. so if you don't like seeing quilts, in a lovely setting, stop here! :-)
"Homage to Hot Flashes" - too funny!

Loved this flamingo quilt "Fink Plamingo" made by Mary Schwarenberger
. The quilter took a plastic flamingo and cut it in half to get that dimensional shape.
. The quilter took a plastic flamingo and cut it in half to get that dimensional shape.
"A Breath of Fresh Air" Was it a coincidence that this was hanging next to the hot flashes quilt?? LOL
Very seasonal! Love the pumpkins against the black background.
Of course as a Jersey Girl, I had to include "I'm A Jersey Tomato"
Loved the color combinations in these two quilts.
This was one of my husband's favorites. He especially liked the combination of blues and turquoise.
Close up of that area of the quilt.
This was all paper pieced.
"Crazy Cats in the Flower Garden" This was from their guild challenge (challenge fabric is in flowers and corners) Their eyes were all funky buttons - cute! Who can't resist a cat quilt??!
Very striking with that green background.
As you can see, the setting for this quilt show is perfect. A beautiful old mill.
A nice mix of contemporary and traditional quilts.
Beautiful ribbon embroidery. This piece was made by the same quilter as the piece above.
Some quilts were hung in groups. This group was from a workshop from a guest teacher.
Such a beautiful combination of colors.
Congratulations to Courthouse Quilters for another wonderful quilt show. They all should be very proud of their work. They are a very talented group.
Hope you have enjoyed coming to the quilt show with me. I wish I could have shown you all the quilts.
Now for some stitching of my own this Sunday.....
thanks for sharing those fabulous quilts.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for coming to our show! We love to see our quilts in the mill, and we love sharing them with our visitors.
ReplyDeleteSuch a nice outing to attend. I agree an old mill is a great venue for a quilt show. Thanks for sharing.