Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Design Wall Wednesday

Just a quick update on what is happening on my design wall lately.  I feel like I have really been neglecting my blog lately.
 I have been working on the Liberated Star blocks.  Some new additions to the design wall.  I am not sure when I am going to stop... I just love making these fun and colorful stars.  I currently have about 30 blocks done.  They measure 9 inches finished.
No longer on the design wall, but I did finish the table topper from 4 of these blocks.  I big stitched with black perle cotton around each star and inside the center square. 
Looks great on our coffee table.
And... a table runner for a gal at work who just bought her first house.  Her kitchen cabinets are painted that teal color, the walls are the avocado green and tan.  Nice!
And last, but not least, some funky houses on an antique cutter quilt background,
Tomorrow is our 32nd wedding anniversary.
Happy Anniversary, Sweetie!


  1. Happy Anniversary Deb & John. I was cleaning out our "John & Debbie" guest room and came across the lovely going away book you made for us! What a wonderful friendship we share! Wishing you a wonderful, blessed day tomorrow.
    Kath & Tom

    1. Thanks, Kath! We will talk soon! Thanks for stopping by the blog!

  2. I love your Star Blocks, Gorgeous!!! Still have to try those...:-)

  3. Your Liberated Star blocks are beautiful, I must have a go at these!

  4. Love your gorgeous collection of star blocks, Debra. And the table topper is very sweet! How nice for you to make a runner for your friend for a housewarming gift. Hope you and the hubby have an incredible anniversary! Congratulations!

  5. I love your liberated star blocks and the housewarming present. I think I would like a kitchen in those colours! Have a happy anniversary. X


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