Saturday, September 27, 2014

Orange You Glad It's September?

I apologize for the pun.  Just couldn't resist!!  The last Saturday of the month so that must mean it's time for me to post my Rainbow Scrap (Stash) Challenge blocks.  Angela over at So Scrappy selected Orange for the month of September.  
Now, I didn't see myself as a quilter with a lot of orange in her stash, but I was pleasantly surprised to see what I did have once I started to pull out fabrics for this month. 
Since I ended up with so many orange fabrics to work with, I made quite a few block segments.  I typically make more than 8 segments and then decide which ones I would like to use for the final blocks.  So here are the final 8 made into my two blocks for September.  They're really orange!  The rest of the blocks will possibly end up in the borders...we'll have to wait and see.
Of course I had help with selections.....  Lucy especially liked this month's color!!! LOL
 Her work is done here.. she has made her choices,
and then finally just got bored with this whole photo shoot! Ha!

Pop on over to  So Scrappy to see the wonderful orange blocks that are being made.  There is lots of inspiration there!!  I think I am really liking orange!

Happy Stitching



  1. Great choices! Love the little pops of green here and there.

  2. She looks like a great helper! Such pretty blocks and I love that cute little heart quilt in the last photo.

    1. Lucy is always willing to help! The heart quilt was a year-long project called Sweet Hearts. If you search my blog you should be able to find out more information. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. ADORABLE! I like your orange blocks too.

  4. I too love your orange blocks. And glad to see you have good company while sewing...

  5. Replies
    1. She is the BEST consultant.. whether I ask for help or not!

  6. Hi, Debra! Can you tell me the measurements for each 1/4-block segment. Have been falling in love with this block for months now and think I'd like to make finally some. Also, I finished my Sweet Hearts quilt and named it for 2014 because I only learned about it last August and was too far behind to finish it for 2013. Thank you for that inspiration. My hearts are all charms. Sorry for the anonymous posting. Am not set up for any of the other methods. Love your work! Thanks, Eileen

    1. Hi Eileen, The block segments are 6 1/2". The four segments put together make a 12 1/2" (12" finished) block. I am go happy to hear you finished a Sweet Hearts quilt!!! I would love to see a photo if you wanted to email it to me @ Thanks for your wonderful comments

  7. So many pretty oranges! What a fun border those quarter blocks will make. I can already pictures it.

    1. Thanks, Angela. And thanks again for hosting the challenge!

  8. You have some great oranges that turned into terrific blocks!

  9. Great orange fabrics for these blocks, I love the richness of the oranges you have used.

    1. Thanks - at first I thought they were too strong.. but I think they will look great with the other blocks. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Your orange blocks are wonderful! I really enjoy working with orange once in awhile myself.:)

    1. I never thought of myself as much of an 'orange' lover.. but I am really enjoying it and growing to adding it to some of my modern quilts.

  11. I would have a hard time making these blocks because I only have a few orange fabrics. Your are very pretty!

  12. I love your oranges, and cat assistant. Lucky you! LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. Yes, it was a very orange grouping! She runs the studio when she is around! Ha!

  13. Great blocks! Lots of fun and interest in your fabrics :) And of course your helper was top notch!!!

    1. She always is!!! I really like the orange blocks too.

  14. Orange has been a LOT of fun, I agree!

    Purrs to your assistant...

  15. I didn't think I had much orange either! I really like your orange choices and those blocks.

  16. Your challenge blocks are lovely. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  17. I love the orange!


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