Sunday, September 28, 2014

Losing a Family Member

Earlier this week, sadly, we lost Suzi.

Nothing can describe the sadness of losing a beloved pet.
She was with us for 13+ years and we will miss her dearly.

Give your fur-babies a big hug today.



  1. Awww... So sorry to hear this, she was a beauty! Pets are such a big part of our lives and leave such an emptiness when they are suddenly gone. Treasure your memories, you have wonderful photos of her too!!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. She was a very pretty cat, but I know she is better off now.

  2. Our Miss Angel left us several years ago - I still hesitate before opening the door from the garage to the kitchen because she was ALWAYS there to meet me . . . sending hugs of understanding.

    1. Thanks for the hugs. They may leave us but they are never forgotten!

  3. Our cat lived to be 18! It is such a loss! Extra hugs given around here today...I'm sorry for your loss. :)

    1. We had one (our first kitty) live to 19... and another to 16. It is always hard... this is the 5th cat we have lost, and it is always hard. Thanks.

  4. You have my sympathy on your loss. Our pets become family members.

    1. Jill, they really are our family. It's so hard when they leave us.

  5. I am so sorry to read that you have lost your beloved family member, and yes they are true family members. We have had a number of doggie members over the years, kitties also and each time you lose one it is heartbreaking. They give unconditional love and companionship - treasure your memories.

    1. Yes, they become so much a part of our lives. The memories are the best. Thank you for your kind words.

  6. Oh how I understand your loss. Prayers and hugs are being sent to you and your family.

    1. Thanks.. it will take awhile, but the hugs and prayers of everyone helps.

  7. So sorry to hear about your pretty kitty. I know how you feel.

  8. Oh Debra! I'm so sorry for your loss!!!! Suzi looks like a wonderful friend and companion.

    We have an 18-year-old kitty who will be leaving us soon - we're heart broken about it, but we also realize she is not feeling well and will be better off over the Rainbow Bridge. I know we'll see her again, and her sister Sable is waiting for her there :)

    1. Yes, she was. Thank you for your kind words.. and sorry to hear you will be in the same situation soon. I know that Suzi is now with Sidney and Harriet.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Debra -- I know you are sad to have lost Suzi. Please accept my condolences. Don't have any pets of my own, but when my brother's dog had to be put sleep, I was heartbroken. I made him his own little quilt and he carried it around with him all the time. Eileen

  11. I'm so sorry about Suzi. Please take good care of yourself. Cats leave us with such strong physical memories which is truly a bittersweet blessing.

  12. So sorry you lost Suzi. I don't know what I would do without my kitty cat.


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